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Hey, I’m Parthvi your go-to web designer!!

I specialize in creating beautiful websites and landing pages that are responsive across all devices, allowing people from all over the world to access your business’s content no matter where they are or what device they’re using.

  I have extensive experience creating high-conversion landing pages and websites. I design and develop landing pages in various ESPs such as Marketo, Pardot, and Unbounce. I can also help by creating websites and Google AD animation banners. Included is my work with W3C validation & SEO Semantic Coding standards.

If you are looking to convert more visitors to potential customers for your website, I’d love to learn more about your specific needs and help!

My Work.


My Expertise.

  • Web design: website wireframe & prototype, Figma to HTML, Website development, website SEO
  • Landing Pages: Landing page design & development, A/B testing, W3C validated & SEO Semantic Code.
  • Graphic Design: Logo Design, website & landing page design, Google AD banner Design, Large scale print media, Social Media post.
  • Brand Identity: typography, color palette, icon suite, patterns

My Pricing.

Custom Landing Page Design & Coding

Starting at $299

What's included:

  • PSD to Landing Page Code
  • Responsive Landing Page with Cross-browser compatibility
  • W3C validation & SEO
  • Semantic Code
  • ESP Integration(Marketo, Pardot, Unbounce, Act-on)
  • Fully Editable
  • A/B testing

Website Design & Development

Starting at $1999

What's included:

  • E-commerce Website Design & Development
  • Custom Website Design & Development
  • Includes the development of a basic website with simple features and functionalities such as HTML/CSS coding, content management system (CMS) integration, and basic SEO optimization.
  • Website Maintenance & Support
  • Website Optimization
  • Website Hosting
  • SEO Optimization

Animation Banner Development

Starting at $69

What's included:

  • HTML5 Banners
  • HTML5 Creatives
  • Google Banners
  • Banner Ads
  • Display Banners
  • Animation Banner
  • All Banners have a different rate for Development and Design and Development.

Graphic Design

Starting at $49

What's included:

  • Logo Design
  • website design
  • Web Banners
  • Landing Page Design
  • Social Media Banners
  • Email Templates

Contact Me.

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